Plains Township Department of Public Works primary concern is that of Public Safety.  Working to ensure that problems such as pot holes are filled with black top, ensuring that our roads are cleared of snow and ice during the winter, seeing that the streets in Plains Township drain water properly and maintaining tight refuse collection schedules is what the Plains Township Department of Public Works is known for.

Under the direction of Jeff Gustinucci duties such as the ones mentioned above are carried out in a proper and professional manner daily.  The goal of Plains Township’s Department of Public Works is to please the residents of Plains Township in any way possible.

Plains Township is a beautiful township and the Department of Public Works prides itself in ensuring that we do our part to maintain that beauty.


Department of Public Works – (570)829-3439

Director/Recycling Coordinator – Jeff Gustinucci


Recycling Center – (570)704-4279

Assistant Director – Jon Minnick



Use the links below for pick up schedules:

Recycling Guide

2024 Trash and Recycling Pick up Schedule

Due to continued abuse of the dumpster including infectious waste being mixed in, the plastic, metal and glass recycling dumpster at the Cemetery Street drop off center will be removed until further notice.

Cardboard and newspaper recycling dumpsters will still be available weekdays from 7:00 AM till 2:00 PM

Plastic, metal and glass recycling will still be picked up curbside on your designated recycling day.

As always thank you for your cooperation.

Saturdays from January to November the Recycling Center will be open for co-mingle recycling drop off from 8:00 AM till 12:00 PM